Supporting science

Grant proposals

Thorough edits, shortening, overall feedback, technical conditions and consistency check, or just a quick proof reading or final editing round: DBAR enhances the beauty of your scientific vision.

Science communication

Popular science writing, interviews with scientists, theatre about science: DBAR brings scientific breakthroughs to a broad audience.

Scientific papers

Editing, shortening, proofreading, feedback from a non-expert point of view, applying the journal's specific style guide: DBAR gets your paper ready for publication.

SEP evaluations

DBAR assists Dutch scientific institutes in writing their self-evaluation documents and supports independent review committees in drafting their assessment reports of research groups and institutes, all according to the Strategy Evaluation Protocol (SEP) of KNAW.

writing, editing, proofreading

DBAR provides science editing and writing services to academic researchers and other science & technology professionals. With over ten years of experience and customers at universities and scientific institutes all over the Netherlands and abroad, DBAR has an established track record in getting your story across.

DBAR relies on a background in applied physics and nanotechnology (MSc, PhD) and writing (MA). Scientific editing projects have been in a wide range of STEM disciplines, including biophysics, biomechanics, theoretical physics, high-energy particle physics, mathematics, chemistry, material sciences, quantum physics, photonics, traffic modelling, mechanical engineering, sports engineering, microscopy, molecular life sciences, infrastructure engineering and biotechnology. DBAR has also edited for non-STEM topics such as economics, finance and sociology. 

DBAR is based near Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Software platforms

DBAR can work on your documents via the following (online) platforms:


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